You know an e-newsletter is worth its value when it appears in your inbox and you are actually intrigued, perhaps even excited, to open it. I have found this true for the following B2B leadership e-newsletters. However, I cannot say there are many e-newsletters like that that I receive. As other business leadership can attest: time is short, our minds are spread thin among three dozen other things to do just that day, and reading is often the last thing on the list.
However, there are a good handful of stand-out B2B leadership e-newsletters I have been subscribed to for some time now. These avoid making noise and uphold their value time and time again. If nothing else, I can glean a new tip or insight from a minute or less scan. And that is value that seeks to serve.
The E-Newsletter to Keep a Pulse on the National B2B Market
The American City Business Journal’s National Observer is a roll-up of the news of the day from across dozens of markets in the United States. You have to be a subscriber to a local business journal, but you should be doing that already anyway to keep a pulse on the markets you serve. This newsletter arrives in the morning and will keep you informed with insightful and impactful reporting.
The E-Newsletter to Identify Breakout Companies and Trends
The Private Equity Professional’s Morning Coffee provides a great snapshot of the deals, valuations and trends in the private equity marketplace. The big companies make headlines in the national publications, but the emerging growth companies are the ones that are the real engine of our economy: hiring, value creation, innovation. This e-newsletter is your visibility to this.
The E-Newsletter to Keep a Pulse on Your Local Market
American Inno “The Beat” is a handy local recap that will arrive in your inbox in the afternoon with the day’s headlines in the local market. Topics include transactions, hiring/firing, market and government regulations, and — a new addition — your daily dose of COVID-19 testing results. Some Beats even include once a week insights from local business leaders on relevant market shifts and drivers.