Tag: sales operations

Show Some Love to Your Salespeople
Appreciation goes a long way in life and in the office. For example, Mereo recently had the opportunity to work

3 Revenue Kickoff Trends to Follow in 2024 (and 3 to Ignore)
One-time transactions have disappeared in lieu of subscriptions. Network television has kneeled down to on-demand streaming. Snail mail and memos

Should Your Organization Transition to a Revenue Kickoff?
Sales kickoff season is upon us! The fall is rapidly approaching, and preparations are launching across organizations worldwide. Sales kickoffs

Your Revenue Kickoff Planning Checklist
In the B2B world — and in life — preparation is the first step to success. Imagine if you went

The True Brains Behind Conversation Intelligence Software
When conversation intelligence (CI) software first appeared, many industry leaders questioned whether it would be adopted. Some even balked at

Conversation Intelligence Is Your Sales Leadership’s Eyes And Ears (But Not Its Brains)
In today’s tumultuous market with inflation headwinds and recession fears mounting, leading B2B organizations are pivoting from sales growth at

Make the Most of What You Have: Practice Sales Efficiency
Growth at all costs can seem admirable, aggressive — a tenacious pursuit that sends Rocky to personal victory after punching

5 Value Selling Practices Leading B2B Organizations Follow
Many B2B organizations already practice some form or another of value selling — because most organizations understand they need to

Were Sales Really Kicked Off? Activate Your SKO Efforts.
As leaders check sales kickoffs off their list, it is easy to ignore the elephant that hovers in meeting rooms,

Add the New ‘Rule of Thirds’ to Your Sales Model for Ultimate Growth
If your sales model does not serve more than 10 channels — your organization risks slow growth and even buyer