In the B2B atmosphere, only so many companies have the problem your organization’s solution fits. Your pool of opportunity is limited. You need to identify these companies, and you need to know these companies, their greatest pains and their inner workings. As a service-oriented seller, it is your responsibility to approach these companies and let them know about your solution to a problem they may just accept as their status quo — so you can seek to serve their pains, make their lives and jobs easier, and become a trusted adviser.
Most sales and marketing teams understand the value of a target buyer profile. Most even have some form of the target buyer profile written down.
The Power Profile™ includes vital insights and key points instrumental in helping you identify, target and connect with organizations and buyer roles. In creating the Power Profile, we explore and label the following as targeted, opportunity or non-targeted:
- Key organizational characteristics and demographics
- Ideal organization attributes
- Buyer roles and buyer personas
With this detailed information, we identify quality organizations to target, catalysts for when to target them, and buyer roles who will be invested in the solution we have to offer.
Let’s be honest, your target buyer profile may not look entirely like the Power Profile, but you may be capturing a lot of this information already.
So what is the true power behind the Power Profile?
The Power Profile aligns marketing and sales efforts.
A target buyer profile produces real results because it involves more than tracking and noting down these characteristics and attributes. Moreover, it acts as a bridge between sales and marketing, bringing everyone together with the same objectives.
That is the true value of the Power Profile.
It is imperative that marketing and sales are aligned on the target buyer profile. Why?
Marketing invest resources, including time, dollars, the brand, other assets of the business, to try to generate demand and to shape that demand. They engage some existing prospects and clients who already have an opinion about your organization and its value, while they also open dialogue with others who know very little about you.
Sales responds to the demand marketing has generated and reacts to buying cycles.
The resources alone justify involving the marketing team in agreeing on the Power Profile. But when we bring sales into the mix, that alignment becomes even more vital.
If marketing generates leads that sales cannot respond to — be it that the buyer’s pain cannot be solved by the seller’s product, or that marketing has promised responsiveness that sales is not set up for — the organization has wasted resources and it has hurt its reputation with a prospective target buyer or with a prospect that does not make sense at all.
Avoid wasting your resources. Set your marketing and sales teams up for success. Unleash sustainable revenue performance.
Gain the Power of the Power Profile